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   RMS Remuera 

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A New Book about Remuera - and Panama and Pitcairn

David Ransom


Buy it on Amazon Here: Link

"This book tells of life on a ship in the 1920s, from the wealthy to the poor, who were travelling to make a new home for themselves in New Zealand, or taking long and expensive touring holidays, as they experienced the steamship Remuera, the highs and lows, from excitement to boredom. From a baby, born on the ship and named after both the Captain and Doctor, and the Island that the ship had recently visited, to the very sad accident which brought a sudden halt to the fun of a fancy dress party on board ship. With over 100 rare photographs, large extracts from diaries written by holidaying passengers, and contemporary newspaper reports of voyages, it will be possible to imagine yourself on board the ship amongst this diverse collection of people from all walks of life. On each long voyage there were two major points of interest to break up the sometimes tediously long journey – the Panama Canal, and the short stop at Pitcairn Island, home of the descendants of the mutineers from HMAV Bounty. The Remuera had been the first New Zealand Shipping Company vessel to transit the Canal, back in 1916, and this amazing feat of engineering is well described by my two diarists in these pages, together with the many photographs taken by passengers and also the ship’s barber who printed up his images with postcard backs and sold them from his hairdressing saloon on the Remuera’s main deck. In the 1920s Pitcairn was extremely isolated, and the population relied greatly on the visits of the New Zealand Shipping Company’s vessels to bring much needed supplies and correspondence. I have been collecting and researching photographs and postcards of the New Zealand Shipping Company, together with those of Pitcairn Island, for a number of years. After my collection grew, I thought it would be a good idea to share it, along with the knowledge that I have gained. I hope that you enjoy the book." 

Remuera was one of many ships that shaped the 20th century, expanding trade and taking migrants to new worlds. 

One of those migrants, on a 1931 voyage to Wellington, New Zealand, was my father, then 19 years old,  with his two younger brothers. Only one of them visited their native Glasgow again.

In a century of two calamitous wars she was a troop ship in the first and sunk in the second. 

The New Zealand Company was founded in New Zealand but poor ship purchases led to it being taken over by British interests. It sustained the name through several changes of ownership with a fleet that was a mixture of cargo ships and combined refrigeration passenger vessels. Remuera was one of these. The company had a long series of like vessels all with Maori names starting with "R". The line fell into decline with the advent of container vessels that could carry "Refer" containers and particularly with the growth of international air travel which rendered their market position untenable.

New On This Site

Feb 2021 David Ransom's book added

Sept 2019 new pics

Aug 2014 new links

2017 New Panama limits added.

1936 passenger list.

RMS Remuera Site - Like this on Facebook

Thanks to all the people who have contributed information to this site - more is always welcome. 




Postcard courtesy  David Ransom. 
Mentions Panama, so is post 1914.




1911- 1940   11,445 tons, Twin Screw, Triple expansion engines, 502x62 ft.

Built 1911 by W Denny at Dumbarton for the New Zealand Shipping Company,  Official No 124590. 

Launched by Mrs Arthur Rhodes, 31.05.1911. Newspaper story

Cargo and passenger ship, 60 first class berths, 90 second and 130 third class.

"Order 6 April 1910 / launch 31 May 1911 / left 22 August / delivered 8 September 1911
Final price £176,102 9s 4d." (P. Plowman 1981, Passenger Ships of Australia and New Zealand Vol 1, Collins, Auckland.)

She was first registered to GT Haycraft and TR Westray and not transferred to the NZSC until 2015. Perhaps they were financiers and initially retained ownership. 

 Built for the UK-NZ round the world route. Operated that route until 1933. On the cross- Pacific leg she often used to call at Pitcairn (See Pitcairn and RMS Remuera).

About the NZSCo   Ship List

Panama Canal New Limits (after the 2016 new lock opening)

Existing Panamax ships New Panamax ships
Length 294.13 m 366 m
Beam 32.31 m 49 m
Draft (TFW) 12.04 m 15.2 m
TEU Approx. 5,000 Approx. 13,000

"Despite that shipping and commodities players estimate that the new set of locks will mostly influence Asian-American container trade routes (Containerships < 13,000 TEU), tanker and bulker routes are also expected to be considerably affected, since partially loaded vessels of up to 180,000 DWT (Capesize bulkers and Suezmax tankers) will be able to transit the new enlarged Canal." source

The largest container ships are now over 20,000 TEUs. 


The Name

Remuera is a suburb of Auckland, New Zealand.  It is named after a small volcanic cone - one of many that dot Auckland. The name is a Maori one - more properly Remuwera - which translates as ...

" ‘burnt edge’ or ‘the burnt hem of a garment’. This relates to an incident in the 1700’s when a young Hauraki chieftainess visiting Kiwi Tamaki with a Hauraki chief, was killed and eaten by the Waiohua inhabitants of the pa. The name of ‘Remuwera’ was originally given to the hill itself, although a contraction of this name – ‘Remuera’, has since been applied to the area in general."   Source

When the ship was built it was a suburb with a built up southern area near the railway and northern slopes with large houses interposed with some remaining farmland. It is now all built up.


Remuera as it was about the time RMS Remuera was launched


Photograph, Post refit

Postcard used 1913, On trials.

Post Refit

Postally used card - 1912 - Pre Refit

Card used 1913

Post Refit


NZ SS CO. RMS "REMUERA" (1911) - Postcard. Post Refit.
The style of this indicates it is a "Kingsway" series card.

Steamers S.S. PORT ELLIOT S.S. PORT BOWEN and S.S. REMUERA at Port Lyttleton

Pre Refit

Postcard Wellington Harbour, Post Refit

Photo Postcard

Leaving Southampton

This photo shows of her lines well.

Remuera at Captain Cook Wharf, Auckland

In Wellington

In Auckland

Leaving Queens Wharf, Auckand


Postcards courtesy  David Ransom (Marked Ruahine, NZSS Co 1909 - 1949, and Remuera)


Photos from a 1926 voyage to New Zealand - courtesy Ron Myers

Souvenir booklet of the Panama Canal showing Remuera in transit.

Mast top view?

In Royal Albert Dock, London

In the Panama Canal

1boatdeck.jpg (137489 bytes) 11dine.jpg (148958 bytes)
11lounge.jpg (140738 bytes) 12lounge.jpg (126854 bytes)
13ladies.jpg (120991 bytes) 13dine.jpg (140912 bytes)

13deck.jpg (141784 bytes)

Remuera-souvenir-postcard-pack-1.jpg (159672 bytes) Remuera-souvenir-postcard-pack-2.jpg (124998 bytes)
The packaging (thumbnails)

A wonderful series of postcards from her early form in three classes. (thumbnails)

In Wellington

More pics:


Some Trivia (Some of the souvenirs may be from the succeeding Remuera):

Trip map given to passengers, with Remuera on trials photo   

Greetings card 


offbelt.jpg (487352 bytes)

Officers Belt Buckle - 


vestacase.jpg (21564 bytes)
Vesta Case marked Remuera 
spoon.jpg (4446 bytes)tea09.jpg (13588 bytes)0my spoon.jpg (8823 bytes)
newspoon.jpg (15996 bytes)
newspoon2.jpg (14356 bytes)spoonlatest.jpg (12450 bytes)
Souvenir Spoons  marked Remuera (Thumbnails) 
Gong.jpg (71118 bytes)
Souvenir Gong marked Remuera (Thumbnail) 
 cup.jpg (5203 bytes)

Souvenir Silver (plated) Cup - three handled - marked Remuera (Thumbnail) 

bonbon.jpg (23419 bytes)
Bonbon dish (Thumbnail) 
bud.jpg (21624 bytes)
Bud vase (Thumbnail) 
rms remeura2.jpg (127818 bytes)
Souvenir Napkin Ring 
from 1926 voyage (Courtesy Ron Myers)
souv wheel.jpg (81530 bytes)

Souvenir ship's wheel (Thumbnail) 

21_1_b.jpg (8923 bytes)

Silver spoon, hallmark 1914 - perhaps to mark the first Panama passage

bb_1_b.jpg (13437 bytes)

43819167_full.jpg (45256 bytes)

Pewter Souvenir Napkin Ring (Thumbnail) 

Souvenir Spoon marked Remuera

Another napkin ring.

And another - they must have been popular.


Embroidered Cushion

egg.jpg (62318 bytes)
Eggcup (thumbnail)
lamp.jpg (18006 bytes)
le lamp  (thumbnail)
scan0021.gif (353688 bytes)
Letter Card - unused - (precursor to aerograms). (thumbnail) 


482512118.jpg (55813 bytes)

Trunk with Remuera sticker
468116060.jpg (312612 bytes)
431479389.jpg (97233 bytes) 655447247.jpg (308575 bytes) Letter holder / Paper knife

Souvenir Silver Cup
opener.jpg (21599 bytes)
Bottle opener  (thumbnail)

Ships wheel ashtray


1913 Menu (Thumbnail) scan0020.gif (513928 bytes)

So what are Stanley Cakes?

Elevation Drawing (Thumbnail) plan1.jpg (10053 bytes)    Deck Plan (Thumbnail) deckplan.jpg (45386 bytes)

Brochure from 1935 Voyage

remuera Image1.jpg (88627 bytes) remuera Image2.jpg (160573 bytes) remuera Image3.jpg (144657 bytes) remuera Image4.jpg (169077 bytes) remuera Image5.jpg (183849 bytes) remuera Image6.jpg (162294 bytes) remuera Image7.jpg (201522 bytes) remuera Image8.jpg (186169 bytes)

(Thumbnails) - includes Passenger List - with George Bolt - pioneer aviator and, Sir Harold Beauchamp, father of Katherine Mansfield, the pen name of  Kathleen Beauchamp, born near Wellington in 1888, third daughter of Annie (Dyer) and Hal (later Sir Harold) Beauchamp.

Another notable on the voyage  is L D Austin who was a musician.

1915 Passenger List

1935 Passenger List

RMSRemueraPassengerListLog.jpg (374633 bytes)
1912 Log  - thumbnail


embarkation.jpg (345250 bytes)
1913 3rd class embarkation notice. (Thumbnail) 

The End:

"Remuera, sunk off Kinnaird Head,
11445grt, L485' B62.3' D41', torpedoed 26/8/1940
The Plymouth liner Remuera was built by W. Denny  at Dumbarton in 1911 for the New Zealand Shipping Co.
Homeward-bound from Wellington in New Zealand with 4801 tons of refrigerated cargo and 1646 tons of general cargo, she was sunk by a direct hit from an aerial torpedo about 12 miles North of Peterhead when the ship was attacked by four Heinkel 115 torpedo bombers and eight Ju-88 aircraft based at Stavanger, Norway.
All 93 crew and one gunner were saved, some by Fraserburgh lifeboat."

She had departed Wellington on July 12th 1940 for London with cargo only. After transiting the Panama Canal she joined a convoy at Bermuda, sailing on August 11th (BHX 65).  After leaving Halifax it was designated HX 65. On August 25th the convoy lost ships to submarine torpedoes off the Hebrides and again early on the 26th. Remuera assumed the role of Commodore's ship that day when the previous Commodore's ship was lost. She later had a near miss from an aircraft bomb but was torpedoed a few minutes later. She sank stern first resting for a while with her stern on the bottom and bow in the air before sinking completely. 
(S.D. Walters, 1949, Ordeal by Sea. The New Zealand Shipping Company in the Second World War. Published by the Company, London)   

August 1940 was the height of the Battle of Britain. While it was mostly fought over south east England there were raids from Norway and Denmark to eastern Britain, but after a raid on August 15 with severe losses the Luftwaffe never again attacked on-shore in this area in daylight. 

The traffic was not all one way. Four squadrons of RAF Hudsons raided German shipping on the Norwegian coast and occasionally bombed targets in Norway, which had fallen to the Germans in June.

Her loss does not seem to have registered in New Zealand newspapers nor ,as far as I have seen in British ones. Perhaps it was small news in a Britain under aerial siege, but she was a well known ship in New Zealand. More likely given there was no loss of life that the news was suppressed. 

Location of the Wreck (Courtesy Bob Baird)

Latitude : 57 47 - N 

Longitude : 01 53 - W

Location : 
6½ miles NE of Kinnaird Head  Area : Buchan



Another Account of the Sinking

'We just drifted away from the ship and lay there and watched as she slowly went down.   ....   She slowly filled up from the stern and the last I saw of her, from the bridge up she was vertical and she just slowly went down. In those days at least, the ship was your home, and I'll never forget the feeling when of seeing my home disappear under the waves.'

Marine engineer Lionel Hodgson's recollection of the torpedoing of his ship, the SS Remuera - from Neill Atkinson, 2005,  Hell or High Water: New Zealand Merchant Seafarers Remember the War. Harper Collins, Auckland.

The book gives some more detail on the sinking:  The plane approached from 30 degrees off the port bow. The torpedo hit on the bulkhead between the two rear holds, (Nos 4 and 5). Hodgson thinks she might have survived being holed in one hold but not two. There were no passengers on board. The crew in Hodgson's lifeboat were rescued by a sloop Egret and delivered to Peterhead.

Later in the war Egret became the first ship ever sunk by a guided missile, in the Bay of Biscay.

Wreck Information

Courtesy Jim Burke: (From a dive, 2002): "All the accommodation is gone with the starboard side lying on top of the port side and her beam reduced to about 3 to 4m."

There is a great dive website about the wreck. It is now privately owned by a group of enthusiasts who want it left intact. They are progressively mapping the wreck - which is one of the largest in NE Scotland.

"The wreck is lying on her port side, reasonably well intact but with her starboard side collapsed reducing her beam to around 3m.  Most of her superstructure has gone but she is still recognisable from photographs. 

The bow line is intact, with a massive anchor hanging towards the seabed.  Heading sternwards, her hull is fairly intact but flattened, here and there, massive cracks allow an uninterrupted view of her holds.  Her huge fore-mast lies out on the seabed. "

CAD representation of the wreck by Tony Ray, 2005, courtesy Jim Burke.

Remuera ii.jpg (51432 bytes) Remuera iii.jpg (47049 bytes) Remuera iv.jpg (55148 bytes) Remuera v.jpg (39135 bytes) Remuera vi.jpg (49403 bytes)

Other views (thumbnails).

Sea Floor Sonar Scans:

Wreck1 Remuera (2).jpg (55267 bytes) Wreck2 Remuera (2).jpg (128832 bytes) 
Thumbnails - Courtesy Phillip Copland, taken from MRV Alba na Mara. Rights to re-use reserved.

The Wrecksite page on Remuera

Vimeo video of a dive on the wreck (need to join to view - free) - Neil Masson.


1912 - 1917: H.E. Greenstreet

1919 - 1921: James John Cameron Captain JJC.jpg (138628 bytes) (thumbnail)

1921: Cainston

1922 - 1929: J.J. Cameron  

1929: A.W. McKellar
1929-30: H. Barnett 
1930-31 H.J. Wild (or Wilde in another source - initials H.W. in another))

1930-31: Edward Holland

1931: H.T. Wells

1932-35: Edward Holland

1935-37: F.W. Robinson

1937-38: C.B. Lamb

1938-40: F.W. Robinson

(the dates are voyage starts)


At commencement Remuera made slightly less than three return voyages a year. During the first world war the annual voyages dropped to two, constrained by the requirements of convoys and the congestion in British ports. In peacetime once the Panama Canal had opened, Remuera achieved 3 return trips to New Zealand a year. 

Some of the dates in the table are from British emigration records. These seem to be filing dates rather than actual dates and may be a day or two late.  Some advertised dates for the first world war sailings from Britain are a long way out, no doubt caused by having to wait for convoys and some perhaps some disinformation for security.

On some Panama routed sailings the ship called at Curacao.

Voyage No. Depart

Departure Date

Arrive Arrival Date Notes
1 London /Plymouth Sept 28/30,  1911 Wellington Nov 11 1911 Maiden voyage. Passenger list.  Papers Past account of voyage.
2 London /Plymouth February 16/17, 1912 NZ Collision with Niobe
3 London

July 26, 1912


Passenger list

Includes À. E.G. Rhodes - former Mayor of Christchurch. Mrs Rhodes launched the ship the previous year.



October 17 1912 Gravesend Nov 27 1912
4 London Tilbury Dock /Plymouth December 21/22 1912 Wellington


Plymouth April 15 1913 Times 16 Apr 1913: “Return of Surgeon Atkinson – Surgeon E. Atkinson, R.N., a member of Captain Scott’s Antarctic expedition, arrived at Plymouth yesterday on board the New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Remuera.  He was accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, widow of Dr. Wilson, who died with Captain Scott.  Mrs. Wilson had gone to New Zealand to meet her husband.”

Dinner menu from this voyage

5 Gravesend / Plymouth May 5/7 1913 Wellington June 24 1913 Via Tenerife, Cape Town, Hobart.
5R September 13 1913
6 London / Plymouth September 25 / 27 1913 Wellington November 8 1913 Via Hobart - Scarlet fever outbreak on board - one death.

Michelle Sim's great-grandfather John Bachem was on this voyage. He is pictured on the ship 2nd from the right at the back. She would love to know the others in the pic. - response to the webmaster. She has also supplied from her family papers, the embarkation notice in the trivia section above.
 1913  immig.jpg (147474 bytes) (thumbnail)

7 London February 20 1914 Wellington 7:30 am Monday, 6 April 1914; and Lyttleton 1:30 pm, Friday, 17 April 1914. Remuera_voyage_(Evening_Post_6_April_1914).jpg (334215 bytes) 
There was a Biscay Bay storm that she weathered on this trip (thumbnail) Thanks to Dave Barker who would like any further information on this voyage. Dave Barker dbarker2@columbus.rr.com


May 7 1914 London berg.jpg (22503 bytes) A South Pacific iceberg from this voyage. (thumbnail) 
8 London July 9 1914 The last peacetime sailing (war declared by Britain August 4). Advertised as via Cape Town. Relevant to early war voyages is the action of the German Cruiser Leipzig which raiding British shipping of west and southern South America from September 1914 onward. The German East Asia Squadron was in the area and defeated a British force at the Battle of Coronel  on 1 Nov 1914, before sailing to the Falklands.
8R November 4 1914
9 London / Plymouth  Nov 27 1914 NZ
9R London March 25 1915 raider.jpg (49786 bytes)Incident on the voyage - German raider? (Thumbnail) Source
10 London / Plymouth May 5 1915 Wellington Via Cape Town


July 15 1915 London
11 London / Plymouth October 17 1915 Wellington
11R          Auckland Troops loading in Auckland on Dec 7th caused a disturbance calling members of the crew shirkers. (War service avoiders) Source. Conscription did not start until 1916 after which there was intense feeling about fairness of the call to service, with many seeking protected occupations - like seamen - or working passage to avoid the call up. This is more likely to be patriotic volunteers feeling others were not sharing their load. 
12 London / Plymouth

March 25 / 29, 1916   


Passenger list

À. E.G. Rhodes again.

Hobart, May 15. The captain of the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Remuera reports that when in the vicinity of; Lisbon he was chased by the German raider Moewe. The Remuera sent out -a bogus wireless message giving the- ship's position, and, adding that a auspicious steamer was following. The Moewe grew alarmed and made off.
The Remuera had a similar experience off Monte Video, and escaped the "German auxiliary cruiser Kron Prinz Wilhelm by a similar ruse.



New York Times, August 20, 1916.

Another source: 
15.07.1916: Made the first NZS passenger sailing through the Panama Canal, bound Wellington to London.

The canal opened in August 1914 so the two year delay before a British ship passed seems extraordinary. It is perhaps explained by Britain being in dispute with the USA over canal fees - the canal opening with a zero charge for USA ships trading between the east and west coasts of the USA. This was quite unsustainable for this was the major traffic.

13 London / Plymouth September  ? /1916 Advertised via Panama. 
First visit to Pitcairn October 24th. She carried mail there. Pitcairn visits were mostly made on outward journeys until 1923, then either inwards or outwards, but from 1936 reverted to outwards. 
13R January 20 1917
14 Plymouth March 10 1917
14R July 29 1917
15 Plymouth August 27 1917
16 Plymouth March 14 1918 Auckland Initially in convoy - stops Sierra Leone and Capetown. Carrying mostly repatriated soldiers but with some civilians.


June 5, 1918 Liverpool July 31, 1918 Troop Ship Number 105  38th Reinforcements - Commander Colonel E. H. Saunders An printed voyage record The Remuerian was produced. Copy in Auckland Museum Library
17 Liverpool September 7, 1918 Wellington October 23, 1918  Troop Ship Number 191 John Daniel passenger. WW1 fighter ace Harold Beamish was a passenger.


December 11, 1918  January 29 1919
18 Plymouth March 17 1919 Auckland 5 May 1919 The arrival in Auckland on 5 May 1919 was the subject of a half day holiday declared by the Mayor to mark the return of NZ troops lead by Brigadier General G S Richardson. Source  Source There were 524 all ranks aboard, Source  together with 121 wives and 38 children. The ship was showered with confetti by a plane from the Kohimarama flying school. Source
19 Plymouth September 12, 1919 Auckland 26 October 1919 via Panama. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Mackesy was a passenger - diary at http://nzmr.org/diary3.htm
There were 631 all ranks and 70 wives aboard. Source. Riot on board.
Also on board was one of the largest shipments of war trophy arms made to New Zealand (Cooke and Maxwell 2013 Great Guns Appendix 1).
19R Southampton January 18 1920 (Expected)
20 Southampton March 13 1920 Auckland
20R August 2 1920
21 Southampton September 30, 1920 Wellington  November 16 1920

Stephen Smith, bramblesmiths@btinternet.com, is researching 1920's voyages of the Remuera and is interested in contact from anyone with a like interest.

A passenger was Mary Anne Rhodes of part Maori descent, a relative of the person who launched the ship. The remarkable story of her family can be found in Simon Best's "Frontiers - A Colonial Dynasty" 2013. 

21R Refit at the end of this voyage.
22 Southampton March 5 1921


May 25 1921 A passenger on this voyage published Travels Abroad in 1923 with an account of this voyage. An extract by David Ransom is linked.
Travels.jpg (77103 bytes) (thumbnail).
23 Southampton August 18 1921
23 Southampton February 20 1922
24 Southampton July 20 1922 - Not completed - collision with Marengo
25 Southampton December 14, 1922 Auckland
26 Southampton May 10 1923 Auckland June 1923 Including a party of over 100 British naval ratings and officers to crew  HMS CHATHAM and PHILOMEL. 
A load of corrugated iron was dropped at Pitcairn on 5 June - the islanders had given Captain Cameron funds to buy this on his previous visit. Source 
27 Southampton September 20, 1923 Auckland Loading 
There is a published diary commencing with this voyage - which is not in any NZ library: 
ANON Round the World 1924 - SS. Remuera Ulimaroa Orsova Mongolia. Privately Printed, 1924.
27R London A passenger list is here
28 Southampton January 17, 1924 Wellington
29 Southampton May 22 1924 Auckland


July 1924 Plymouth Carrying the All Blacks on their second tour of the British Isles. George Nepia was the star player. Departure photo
30 Southampton September 25 1924 Wellington


Southampton January 29 1925


Southampton June 5 1925 Wellington


Southampton October 23 1925


Southampton March 12, 1926  Auckland list holder
Southampton July 30 1926


Southampton Dec 4 1926 Wellington


Southampton May 6 1927 Wellington
Southampton September 30, 1927 Wellington and Lyttleton Bruce Blair bhb@ix.net.nz .
has a passenger list for this sailing he is happy to share.


Southampton March 25 1928 Auckland


Southampton With NZ Olympic team for July 1928 games in Amsterdam.
Southampton July 18 1928
Southampton Nov 23 1928 Wellington


Southampton April 12 1929


Southampton August 30 1929 Auckland


Southampton January 17 1930 Auckland


London June 13 1930 Southampton
R Wellington Southampton


October 24, 1930 Wellington November 30, 1930 Southampton, Curacao, Panama


January 3, 1931 London February 9, 1931 Pitcairn, Panama, Curacao
48 Southampton  March 13, 1931 Wellington April 19, 1931  Passengers R Law, W Law, J Law
49 Southampton July 25, 1931 Auckland  September 5, 1931 
50 Southampton Dec 18, 1931 Wellington 
51 London May 5, 1932 NZ
52 London  August 25, 1932 Wellington
53 London December 15, 1932 Wellington January 22, 1933 Plymouth, Curacao, Panama


February 18, 1933 London March 28, 1933 Panama
54 London April 6, 1933 Wellington May 15, 1933 Plymouth, Curacao, Panama


June 10, 1933 London July 18, 1933 Panama, Curacao
55 London August 24, 1933 Auckland September 29, 1933 Curacao, Panama


October 26, 1933 London December 2, 1933 Panama, Curacao
56 London December 14, 1933 Wellington January 20, 1934 Plymouth, Curacao, Panama


February 17, 1934 London March 26, 1934 Panama, Curacao
57 London April 7, 1934 Auckland May 14, 1934 Curacao, Panama


June 9, 1934 London July 17, 1934 Panama, Curacao
58 London August 23, 1934 Wellington September 30, 1934 Curacao, Panama


October 24, 1934 London December 3, 1934 Panama, Curacao
59 London December 13, 1934 Wellington January 20, 1935 Curacao, Panama


February 16, 1935 London March 26, 1935 Panama, Curacao
60 London April 4, 1935 Wellington May 13, 1935 Curacao, Panama


June 8, 1935 London July 14, 1935 Panama, Curacao
61 London August 22, 1935 Wellington September 28, 1935  David Grantham has the story of a stowaway on this voyage in the Dec (2016) / Jan issue of  NZ Memories magazine. She was determined to return to Australia after her husband was institutionalised in Britain. She had to work her passage.
61R Auckland  London


December 11, 1935
63 Plymouth / London April 4/7, 1936 NZ
63R Wellington London
64 Newport August 18, 1936 NZ
65 London / Plymouth December 10/11, 1936 Wellington scan0825.jpg (4793963 bytes)Bound in passenger list

scan0826.jpg (3870760 bytes)Tipped in supplement - 2 sidesscan0827.jpg (871139 bytes)

66 London April 14, 1937 NZ
67 London / Plymouth August 18/20, 1937 NZ
68 London Dec 15, 1937 Wellington Arrived Pitcairn 12 Jan - this Remuera cover was back-stamped at Pitcairn was taken off by RMS Arawa and cancelled at Southampton. 
cover 1.JPG (23305 bytes) cover2.JPG (20876 bytes)
1.5d was an Empire rate at the time - it applied to airmail too.
69 London / Plymouth April 27/29, 1938  Auckland


July 2, 1938 NZ
70 London / Plymouth August 22/23, 1938 NZ
71 London / Plymouth March 9/10, 1939 NZ
72 London July 12,  1939 NZ
73 London December 12, 1939 Wellington


July 12,  1940 London Sunk August 26th

Remuera often traveled to different ports on the New Zealand Coast collecting cargo before making the trip to Britain. Stops included Lyttleton, Timaru, Tokomaru Bay, Port Chalmers, Bluff, Napier, Gisborne and Waikokopu.  She visited Auckland 19 times between 27 June 1924 and 13 June 1940.

Many thanks to: 

Findmypast - has UK outbound voyage lists (free) and passenger lists (pay-for).

David Ransom has a site New Zealand Shipping Company records for genealogy https://nzsc.wordpress.com/ which has 

    He also has pages on Remuera and on the Remuera crew member Henry George Keyse  who was a keen photographer.

Other Remuera Sites and Information:




Sea Breezes, February 1971, Vol 45 No 302, p102  Steamers of the Past, "Remuera" of 1911.

New Zealand Marine News 1983 Volume 34 No 1

time.jpg (106137 bytes)"Time to Go Sparky "  Victor Jack Hickey  published in 1994 by G D Hornby,  ISBN No 0 9522814 0 6 
Hickey was her radio officer in 1936/37.

"Pitcairn: Port of Call" Herbert Ford. 1996  Hawser Titles, Angwin California. ISBN 0964964201

Plowman, P.  1981, "Passenger Ships of Australia and New Zealand Vol 1", Doubleday, Lane Cove.

Tim Young,  SS Remuera. UCKLUN TULL UN DEM TULL, Pitcairn News. Volume 4 No 9 October 2010 Copy at http://www.demtullpitcairn.com/theremuera.html

The Story of an Immigrant Ship Garry Law 2010 Heritage Matters.  Issue 25 Summer 2010/11





Later Remuera Ships:


SS Remuera - Ex Parthia

Parthia: 13,362 tons, Built 1948 for Cunard, Harland & Wolff - Belfast, geared turbine powered. In 1961 sold to New Zealand Shipping Co, renamed Remuera. She was the sole non-motor ship in the fleet and thereby a bit of a misfit. By 1965 the mixed passenger / freight ship had had its day. The airlines had captured the passengers. Transferred to P&O, renamed Aramac.  Later Eastern & Australian Line. Traded from Australia to the Far East. She last sailed in 1969 and was scrapped in 1970.

More pictures of the Remuera when with NZSS Co


Remuera Bay,  container ship, P&O

Built Walkers Tyneside, 1973, 42,007 tonnes






1810 TEU

Later BERLIN EXPRESS owned by the German Hapag-Lloyd (photo).  Since scraped.

Under construction Tyneside - Thanks to David Ransom

Shipping News Jan 2002:

P&O Nedlloyd takes delivery of reefer containership

"The first of seven new large reefer containerships is being delivered to P&O Nedlloyd this month in Korea. Following successful sea trials, she will arrive on her inaugural voyage in New Zealand in early February.

The vessel will be named P&O Nedlloyd Remuera in Auckland on February 10. Following the ceremony she will make calls in Napier, Port Chalmers and Melbourne before proceeding on a round voyage to North Asia, returning to New Zealand in March.

This latest Remuera follows a line of vessels bearing the name through P&O Nedlloyd's predecessor companies. Over 25 years ago, the Remuera Bay was among the largest reefer containerships in the world. With 1,300 integral reefer plugs, the P&O Nedlloyd Remuera is once again one of the world's largest reefer containerships."

More on this Remuera

Hull No. IMO 9227297

She has since been renamed successively  to  Maersk Denia, Southampton Express and Santa Rafaela





Webmaster: glawnz@gmail.com

My father and his two brothers emigrated from Glasgow (sailing Portsmouth 13 March) to Wellington on the first Remuera in 1931. They called at Pitcairn. My father recalled trading a bowler hat there for a bunch of bananas. At the end of his life he lived in Remuera in Auckland, as I also have. Their mother had recently died (their father at Ypres in April 1918) and they were joining their maternal uncle, Robert Bremner in Wellington. More on R Law

From NZ National Archive  (with many thanks to Dave Grantham)

Name   Age Occupation Birthplace Port at which passengers have contracted to land
Law Mr J 17 Clerical  Scotland   Wellington
Law Mr R 19 Insurance Clerk  " "
Law Mr W


Scholar " "

 They are respectively, James, Robert (my father) and William.

The Remuera is if you like the waka of the Law family - as she no doubt is of many other immigrant families.

Thumbnails  - Officers: rem.jpg (63997 bytes)   Passenger list:  rem1931.jpg (83702 bytes)

There were only 58 passengers on this voyage.

Passenger loadings on 1931 and 1935 voyages (Word download). 

